Friday, July 6, 2012


Well this is basically a shout out to my good friend Emily L. She is a much better blogger than I. Always has new and interesting posts to read. (Not to mention that she always bugs me about never mentioning her on this blog :)

This is also a test to see if any of you are still reading my blog. :)

A lot of exciting things have happened in my life, and don't worry I am about to update the 3 people who probably read this. I just need to upload the pictures. A bit more patience would be appreciated. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! hold on a sec, while i go grab my kleenex box, because that was the sweetest tribute ever!
    miss sydney! our phone conversation was the best one yet--even if you did ditch me to talk to your brother! (i suppose I can over look that!)
    THANKS A MILLION! yOu are a dear and a half! love you! :)
