Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summertime: a Picture is worth a Thousand Words

I know that I won't be able to catch you up sufficiently with words, it would take much too long. So here are some important pictures of my summer. They pretty much go in chronological order.

I was the Assistant Girl's Camp director, here's a picture of all of us by Soldier Creek Reservoir.

One of my favorites: Ezrie heard about my red hat blog and said we had to take a picture so I could add it to my blog.

I was a little nervous that thing was gonna crawl on my face or something.

First summer summit. We'll just call it Molly's.

Ragnar numero dos. See that lady in the purple tank, behind me? Ran the whole last leg with me. Best experience of  the race. Sadly my only race of the summer.
Jake and I in our rodeo duds. Except that Jake actually wears that outfit pretty much everyday.

Provo Peak summit. Me eatin' a delicious homemade cinnamon roll.

Dad on top. Last summer he told me he was too old...

You can see Timp in the background.
First and only family camping trip of the summer. Mom got a hold of my camera on our 4-wheeler ride.

My first crash site. Rolled a 4-wheeler here when I was 9.
Trek Rescuers: 20 of my new best friends. Best experience of my summer, and possibly my life, hands down. If you have an hour or two feel free to ask me about it. :)

Women's Pull up Rocky Ridge

My dad and I at Devil's Gate

Army of tents
Finally fixing my car from my April crash!

Girl's camp, Ragnar, Provo Peak, Camping, Trek, Car fixin', just a few of my summer adventures. Now I'm on my way back to the good ole' BYZoo for another exciting year. Maybe you'll hear more from me then, because I'll pretty much be attached at the hip with this computer, but we shall see. It's hard to always be living an adventure and find time to blog about it too. :)

1 comment:

  1. Dear syd.. i love these pictures and i am glad you are back to the blogging world! stoked for this year!
