Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Business as Usual

I know you thought I had died or something. Close but not quite. Really, I haven't been posting because I don't think I can get all the words out in a timely manner. So I'll give you a quick synopsis of what's happened since finals week so I can get back to posting regularly.

I moved home....there was no room for me or my stuff.

Then my parents spontaneously moved their bed upstairs and announced my mom was having a complete hip replacement in her right hip. I'm serious about the spontaneous part. I suddenly became a chauffeur, maid, laundry woman, garden master, and nurse (in other words my family's pseudo-mom) while working my other two jobs and trying to train for a triathlon. At least they said I could throw my mattress in their room for a month or so.

Amidst all that stress I decided to purchase this beauty:

Just don't ask how much. :)
I took these awesome pictures on my inaugural ride.

Maple Mountain, Spanish Fork Peak, Sierra Blanca...whatever you want to call it.

My mom's surgery went well. I played full time nurse for a day or two, but she is healing up really well. I finally got moved out of my parents room to share with my sister. My mom says I'm forever doomed to have some kind of roommate. 

My cute brother Jake went to Prom.

I also...........got in a car accident. Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry.
The angry Grimace
If you look closely there is a nice goose egg on the right side of my forehead. That and a really sore wrist was all the damage. Besides that I was out a car that I owned for a mere 2 months. You can't see it, but that back axle is pretty bent. I'm looking for another one to swap the engine into. If you want the full story you'll have to call me or talk to me face to face or something. I'll include a couple more pictures.
Dad trying his best to get me to smile.

the airbag

And amidst all that I snuck in a convertible ride with Emily and Catie. Somehow Em ducked out of all the pictures. But Catie found this awesome coat to keep us warm...
Don't mind my face, I was trying to suppress the laughter.

Warming the nose/trying to surprise Rosie

This very special coat was made so you could hold your baby on your back and keep them warm too. Catie and I fit nicely, and I'll have you know I was quite warm. :)

Other than that I've been getting ready for inventory at work, which has kept me mighty busy. I think I'm close to having counted 1,000,000 pens. Two more days. 

And those are my excuses for not having blogged in the past month. I sincerely apologize and will try and keep you better updated.

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