Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Sneak Peek

Fellow adventurers,

I know that it has been a week and two days since the last post. For a handful of you, who have anxiously been awaiting the next post, I apologize. I literally had the whole thing written up on Sunday night and it wouldn't post. So I hit save and then closed the tab, thinking it would just save and load right back up...wrong. The whole thing got deleted. I'll throw in a couple sneak peek pictures in here until I have a minute to sit down and write all the crazy stories.

Serious cuteness right? It was actually a twin but I couldn't get them to hold still together.

The skunk hunters. You think I'm joking.

See? Nastiest moment of my entire life, but no I didn't get sprayed.

Baby goshawk!

Red-tailed hawk squawking at us from a ponderosa.

Ok, there are your sneak peek pictures. Enjoy. I'll be back soon...ish.

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