Only the second time in my life that I had seen a moose and it was a cow and calf! It was a super exciting moment: we were driving around a bend in the road and something super dark was diving off the east side of the road. Amadeus skidded to a stop and I hurried and shot these pictures.
Other exciting things happening in my life: on Thursday a couple of Amadeus' friends, Mike and Betsy, came with us to experience a day in the life of the goshawk crew. And let me tell you they were awesome hikers. I'll be honest and say I was a little worried, cause it definitely wasn't the easiest day we've ever had but they both kept up super well. A couple times I stopped to see how far behind they were and Betsy almost ran right over me. But because I am an awesome photographer I totally forgot to take a picture. Either way it was super fun. While we didn't find any live goshawk we did find this little fledgling that probably died last year (you are reading this, so I'm assuming that pictures of dead things don't bother you too much):
This also happened this week:
Yep that's right, if you can't tell I caught my first skunk. Luckily it was just a little guy. But getting rid of him was quite the adventure. A few of my sources (one being the Buenos Nachos Wildlife Biology hotline, staffed by Jim Lamb) told me to sneak up on it with a blanket and cover the cage, then I could carry it wherever I wanted to get rid of it without getting sprayed. Well, first of all that required a little more bravery than I was feeling and second I had the trap staked down and so didn't think I could move it without causing a ruckus. I was happy that the wind was blowing pretty good that day and I just got upwind and shot it in the trap, watching a nice plume of greenish/yellowish mist rise off it after the shot. You're welcome for the details.
I also caught some ring neck doves in a trap I was trying to catch a squirrel in:
And I basically caught a rock chuck by the finger nail:
On Saturday Mindy and Marcy were gone so Blinn and I took a drive up Diamond mountain and went to the fish hatchery. I got a lot of good stories out of the deal, especially some crazy hunting ones, and free lunch. An afternoon well spent.
While they were gone I also got to try my hand at keeping up with the chores by was quite the adventure. A lot of work for a two person crew. Here is a picture of the pigs after the ripped their feeder off the wall so they could both eat at the same time. It's interesting to watch how they fight to get the most food. Bacon may be good and all but I don't think I will ever raise any pigs.
The oat field we planted earlier is coming up pretty good:
It is incredible how satisfying it is to see those little green things sprout up out of the ground.
Here is a shot of some of the amazing views I get to experience everyday down here in our little patch of heaven. The moon just starting to peek up over the hills.
A couple more pictures to end the post:
I'm sorry I didn't get any selfies in this week but this picture of a cookie will have to do. All I can say is that Mindy makes some of the most divine chocolate chip cookies I have ever eaten (I still love yours too mom) and there is nothing like coming back to the truck after a long day only to have one waiting for you.
A nice wildflower I need to look up:
And can you find the butterfly?
Until next week, keep adventuring!